How does cta1href sound to you? Gibberish, right? :D Jesse “jessebaker” Baker pointed out that Experience Builder (XB) in its current state was subjecting its users to such nonsense! Fortunately, thanks to every Single Directory Component (SDC) specifying a title for each prop, we were able to automatically generate the much more readable CTA 1 link — thanks to foundations Ben “bnjmnm” Mullins did in #3461422 from 3 weeks prior.
Hovering a section (XB calls top-level components sections) now offers placing another section and triggers the component list form. Issue #3460952, image by Harumi.
Clearly, it’s important to support both paths towards placing a component!
This week started with undoing the horrors that y’all were subjected to last week: TwoTerribleTextAreasWidget featured prominently. The follow-up that I mentioned landed (Ben “bnjmnm” Mullins and I collaborated on it), which with a +110,-245 diff resulted in something that still is nowhere near a final UX, but is starting to look reasonable.
The evolved component instance props form: much simpler (it looked Frankensteinish a week ago!), by using the appropriate field widgets directly. Issue #3461422.
The Cypress front-end testing infrastructure clean-up landed on Monday, so this week we’ve already been seeing increased velocity! Last week, we landed the initial implementation of the primary menu, this week it was improved by Harumi “hooroomoo” Jang:
XB’s primary menu now closes after dropping a dragged component onto the canvas. Issue #3458617, image by Harumi.
… but while that was very quiet, the Acquia UX team’s design locomotive was getting started in the background, with two designs ready-to-be-implemented posted by Lauri “lauriii” Timmanee — he’s working with that team to get his Experience Builder (XB) product vision visualized:
It’s Drupal Dev Days week! With Lauri presenting a Keynote there and several people out this week (myself included), it was a quiet week for Experience Builder.
1.5 week prior, Lee “larowlan” + Jesse fixed a bug in the undo/redo functionality and added the first unit test (#3452895), and added it to CI (where it now runs immediately, no need to wait for composer to run JS unit tests!) Except … the unit tests didn’t actually run — oops! Rectifying that revealed a whole range of new Cypress challenges, which Ben “bnjmnm”worked tirelessly to solve this during the entire 5th week, and it was merged on Wednesday of this week :)