Hi! I’m Wim, live in the beautiful bike-centric city of Ghent and I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to work full time on making Drupal better & faster for over a decade now! (I’m also interested in energy efficiency, smart home shenanigans and think more software empathy would make the world a better place.)


8 April, 2018

This blog post summarizes the 572 comments spanning 5 years and 2 months to get REST file upload support in #1927648 committed. Many thanks to everyone who contributed!

From February 2013 until the end of March 2017, issue #1927648 mostly … lingered. On April 3 of 2017, damiankloip posted an initial patch for an approach he’d been working on for a while, thanks to Acquia (my employer) sponsoring his time. Exactly one year later his work is committed to Drupal core. Shaped by the input of dozens of people! Just look at that commit message!

Background: API-First Drupal: file uploads!.

8 April, 2018

Drupal 8’s REST API has been maturing steadily since the Drupal 8.0.0 was released in November 2015. One of the big missing features has been file upload support. As of April 3 2018, Drupal 8.6 will support it, when it ships in September 2018! See the change record for the practical consequences: https://www.drupal.org/node/2941420.

It doesn’t make sense for me to repeat what is already written in that change record: that already has both a tl;dr and a practical example.

What I’m going to do instead, is give you a high-level overview of what it took to get to this point: why it took so long, which considerations went into it, why this particular approach was chosen. You could read the entire issue (#1927648), but … it’s one of the longest issues in Drupal history, at 572 comments1. You would probably need at least an entire workday to read it all! It’s also one of the longest commit messages ever, thanks to the many, many people who shaped it over the years:

2 March, 2018

Now that Drupal 8’s REST API 1 has reached the next level of maturity, I think a concise blog post summarizing the most important API-First Initiative improvements for every minor release is going to help a lot of developers. Drupal 8.5.0 will be released next week and the RC was tagged last week. So, let’s get right to it!

The REST API made a big step forward with the 5th minor release of Drupal 8 — I hope you’ll like these improvements :)

Thanks to everyone who contributed!

  1. text fields’ computed processed property exposed #2626924

    No more need to re-implement this in consumers nor work-arounds.

8 December, 2017

This blog has been quiet for the last year and a half, because I don’t like to announce things until I feel comfortable recommending them. Until today!

Since July 2016, API-First Drupal became my primary focus, because Dries felt this was one of the most important areas for Drupal’s future. Together with the community, I triaged the issue queue, and helped determine the most important bugs to fix and improvements to add. That’s how we ended up with REST: top priorities for Drupal … plan issues for each Drupal 8 minor:

6 November, 2017

The Drupal render pipeline and its caching capabilities have been the subject of quite a few talks of mine and of multiple writings. But all of those were very technical, very precise.

Over the past year and a half I’d heard multiple times there was a need for a more pragmatic talk, where only high-level principles are explained, and it is demonstrated how to step through the various layers with a debugger. So I set out to do just that.

I figured it made sense to spend 10–15 minutes explaining (using a hand-drawn diagram that I spent a lot of time tweaking) and spend the rest of the time stepping through things live. Yes, this was frightening. Yes, there were last-minute problems (my IDE suddenly didn’t allow font size scaling …), but it seems overall people were very satisfied :)

Have you seen and heard of Render API (with its render caching, lazy builders and render pipeline), Cache API (and its cache tags & contexts), Dynamic Page Cache, Page Cache and BigPipe? Have you cursed them, wondered about them, been confused by them?

I will show you three typical use cases:

  1. An uncacheable block
  2. A personalized block
  3. A cacheable block that you can see if you have a certain permission and that should update whenever some entity is updated

… and for each, will take you on the journey through the various layers: from rendering to render caching, on to Dynamic Page Cache and eventually Page Cache … or BigPipe.

Coming out of this session, you should have a concrete understanding of how these various layers cooperate, how you as a Drupal developer can use them to your advantage, and how you can test that it’s behaving correctly.

I’m a maintainer of Dynamic Page Cache and BigPipe, and an effective co-maintainer of Render API, Cache API and Page Cache.


See https://events.drupal.org/vienna2017/sessions/rendering-caching-journey-through-layers.

Attendees: 200

Evalutations: 4.6/5

Thanks for the explanation. Your sketches about the rendering process and how dynamic cache, page cache and big pipe work together ; are awesome. It is very clear no for me.

Best session for me on DC. Good examples, loved the live demo, these live demo’s are much more helpful to me as a developer then static slides. General comments, not related to the speaker. The venue was to small for this talk and should have been on a larger stage. Also the location next to the exhibition stands made it a bit noisy when sitting in the back.

Great presentation! I really liked the hand-drawn figure and live demo, they made it really easy to understand and follow. The speaking was calm but engaging. It was great that you were so flexible on the audience feedback.
Drupalcon Vienna
Vienna, Austria
60 minutes


4 November, 2017

As part of working in Acquia’s Office of the CTO, I’ve been working on the API-First Initiative for the past year and a half! Where are we at? Find out :)


See https://events.drupal.org/vienna2017/sessions/api-first-initiative.

Attendees: 90

Evalutations: 4.3/5

Very good insights on what is happening on this initiative. Thanks.

Totally underestimated audience size. The room was jam-packed, many people had to give up trying to get in.
DrupalCon Vienna
Vienna, Austria
25 minutes
9 July, 2017

The first release of the CDN module for Drupal was 9.5 years ago yesterday: cdn 5.x-1.0-beta1 was released on January 8, 2008!


On January 27, 2008, the first RC followed, with boatloads of new features. Over the years, it was ported to Drupal 61, 7 and 8 and gained more features (I effectively added every single feature that was requested — I loved empowering the site builder). I did the same with my Hierarchical Select module.

I was a Computer Science student for the first half of those 9.5 years, and it was super exciting to see people actually use my code on hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of sites! In stark contrast with the assignments at university, where the results were graded, then discarded.


21 April, 2017

I deleted my Facebook account because in the past three years, I barely used it. It’s ironic, considering I worked there. 1

More irony: I never used it as much as I did when I worked there.

Yet more irony: a huge portion of my Facebook news feed was activity by a handful of Facebook employees. 2

No longer useful

I used to like Facebook because it delivered on its original mission:

Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

They’re clearly no longer true to that mission. 3

When I joined in November 2007, the news feed chronologically listed status updates from your friends. Great!

Since then, they’ve done every imaginable thing to increase time spent, also known as the euphemistic “engagement”. They’ve done this by surfacing friends’ likes, suggested likes, friends’ replies, suggested friends, suggested pages to like based on prior likes, and of course: ads. Those things are not only distractions, they’re actively annoying.