XB week 18: DriesNote deadline

Published on 21 September, 2024

With DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 only two weeks later, the focus this week is on tying up loose ends. That already started last week, but of the milestone 0.1.0 priorities that product lead Lauri “lauriii” Timmanee identified, 15 are still left after last week: we need to fix 1.5/day to get to zero.

Major loose ends

I titled last week’s update drag and drop party because there were so many improvements on that front. But one critical piece was still missing: it was painful to drag components into locations that are difficult to visualize: top and bottom of slots, even more so for adjacent slots. BĂĄlint “balintbrews” KlĂ©ri brought one additional improvement:

Drag a component and drop it into truly any location. 
Issue #3471169, video by BĂĄlint.

Beautiful isn’t it?! I couldn’t say it better than Jesse “jessebaker” Baker in his review: This is such a marked improvement and honestly it’s already better than I dared hope it would be, especially this early. Excellent work. Ben “bnjmnm” Mullins finished the highest-impact loose end: he ensured all single-value field types work correctly.

This week, Ben finally had the chance to introduce sorely needed end-to-end (E2E) test coverage, which ensures that a whole range of field widgets work as expected not only in the original field widget sense (focus on server side), but also the live update sense (focus on client side): the Redux integration must be aware of when the values the user is typing is valid. More work remains to be done there, but the introduction of the prop-types.cy.js E2E Cypress test marks a significant milestone!2 Next steps will be tracked in the corresponding meta/plan issue.

Lots of usability bugs squashed

Jesse coordinated the squashing of many usability bugs — not really broken things, but things that should happen to not have a clunky UX:

Back-end improvements

Unfortunately, during the week, Lauri prioritized several more issues, so we ended this week with 
 12 — only 3 fewer than we started with đŸ«  That means we’ll need to land >2/day in the next week to get to zero. Fortunately, most of those twelve are already pretty far along.

Who of you have ever been able to chill towards a deadline, and how did you do that? đŸ˜„

Week 18 was September 9–15, 2024.