Together with Fabian Franz & Marco Molinari from Tag1 Consulting, I had a session about render caching in Drupal 7 and 8 at DrupalCon Amsterdam.
Marco explained the render performance problems in Drupal 7, the way the Render Cache module for Drupal 7 mitigates these performance problems as well as possible in Drupal 7, but can’t solve everything, because the necessary mechanisms to solve it properly aren’t available there. I explained how cache tags in Drupal 8 have fixed this problem in Drupal 8 completely. And Fabian demonstrated very cool things for the near future: different rendering strategies, such as Facebook’s Big Pipe — which already works in the render_cache
module for Drupal 7, and will only be simpler to implement in Drupal 8!
How does render cache compare to the Display Cache module?
I’d never heard of this module before!
Render caching of entities effectively already does in Drupal 8 what that module does in Drupal 7, but much more reliably.
Just a quick note:
The 7.x-2.x module will have also cache tags like in Drupal 8, so essentially allow the same feature set of what is possible in Drupal 8 already now. Just differing in the internal implementation.
Indeed. For most purposes, Render Cache 7.x-2.x essentially backports what Drupal 8 already does out of the box.
However, Render Cache 7.x-2.x will not be sufficient in more advanced scenarios — at least not out of the box — because you’ll need to update the hash to match whatever data is stored in your entities. Please correct me if I’m wrong.