Render caching in Drupal 7 and 8

Published on 2 October, 2014

Together with Fabian Franz & Marco Molinari from Tag1 Consulting, I had a session about render caching in Drupal 7 and 8 at DrupalCon Amsterdam.

Marco explained the render performance problems in Drupal 7, the way the Render Cache module for Drupal 7 mitigates these performance problems as well as possible in Drupal 7, but can’t solve everything, because the necessary mechanisms to solve it properly aren’t available there. I explained how cache tags in Drupal 8 have fixed this problem in Drupal 8 completely. And Fabian demonstrated very cool things for the near future: different rendering strategies, such as Facebook’s Big Pipe — which already works in the render_cache module for Drupal 7, and will only be simpler to implement in Drupal 8!

DrupalCon Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
45 minutes

Just a quick note:

The 7.x-2.x module will have also cache tags like in Drupal 8, so essentially allow the same feature set of what is possible in Drupal 8 already now. Just differing in the internal implementation.

Indeed. For most purposes, Render Cache 7.x-2.x essentially backports what Drupal 8 already does out of the box.

However, Render Cache 7.x-2.x will not be sufficient in more advanced scenarios — at least not out of the box — because you’ll need to update the hash to match whatever data is stored in your entities. Please correct me if I’m wrong.