Hi! I’m Wim, live in the beautiful bike-centric city of Ghent and I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to work full time on making Drupal better & faster for over a decade now! (I’m also interested in energy efficiency, smart home shenanigans and think more software empathy would make the world a better place.)


7 November, 2014

In Drupal 8, we’ve significantly improved the way pages are rendered. This talk explains the entire render pipeline, in some detail.

But it also covers:

  • render caching — blocks and entities are now render cached automatically!
  • cache tags — finally we have the cache invalidation system we’ve always needed!
  • assets — only the necessary assets are loaded anymore, thanks to asset dependencies!
  • bubbling — rather than relying on global statics that broke caching, we now correctly bubble up all attached metadata — no more frustrations!

Besides that, I also cover a few of the most interesting new possibilities in Drupal 8:

  • anonymous page loads: invalidating Varnish/CDNs with perfect precision
  • authenticated page loads: not completely regenerated on every page load, but assembled from render cached parts
  • alternative render strategies, like Big Pipe

Update (November 14, 2014): since I gave this talk, https://www.drupal.org/node/2352155 was committed, so this talk is now indeed a comprehensive, correct talk about the finalized Drupal 8 render pipeline!

Update (March 20, 2015): there is now an official Drupal 8 documentation page: https://www.drupal.org/developing/api/8/render/pipeline.

DrupalCamp Ghent
Ghent, Belgium
45 minutes


2 October, 2014

Together with Fabian Franz & Marco Molinari from Tag1 Consulting, I had a session about render caching in Drupal 7 and 8 at DrupalCon Amsterdam.

Marco explained the render performance problems in Drupal 7, the way the Render Cache module for Drupal 7 mitigates these performance problems as well as possible in Drupal 7, but can’t solve everything, because the necessary mechanisms to solve it properly aren’t available there. I explained how cache tags in Drupal 8 have fixed this problem in Drupal 8 completely. And Fabian demonstrated very cool things for the near future: different rendering strategies, such as Facebook’s Big Pipe — which already works in the render_cache module for Drupal 7, and will only be simpler to implement in Drupal 8!

DrupalCon Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
45 minutes
5 January, 2014

This year, Performance Planet did an advent calendar again, just like the last few years. I also contributed an article — what follows is a verbatim copy of my “The real challenge: making the entire web fast” article for the 2013 Performance Calendar.

Probably many — if not most — of us speed freaks work for big companies that are optimizing top 1,000 websites.
Some companies have the budgets to hire people who work on WPO full time. Those companies are able to do that thanks to huge revenues — otherwise it would not be financially justifiable. In other words: they’re probably a top 1,000 website. The percentages of page speed improvements those people bring must translate into sufficient additional revenue to cover their wages.
Other companies have people who get to spend part of their time on WPO, and maybe pay for the services of one of the several WPO companies out there. But even in this case, a sizeable revenue is a requirement to justify it.

So what about the millions of other websites?

7 December, 2013

For this short talk, I chose two particular improvements in Drupal 8 that will make a big difference for future Drupal sites’ performance and ops (infrastructure requirements).

The addition of cache tags is the most important new feature to have a huge impact on back-end performance: it allows for much smarter/better cache invalidation, and hence through better cache hit ratios help increase performance and reduce infrastructure requirements.

On the other hand, the move towards a pluggable asset optimization system (instead of the non-pluggable one in Drupal 7) allows for much greater flexibility in adjusting the asset optimization pipeline to suit a specific site’s needs. Changing the JS minifier or even the complete asset optimization pipeline will become easy, whereas in Drupal 7 you’d need incredibly intricate knowledge of other Drupal internals — making such front-end performance changes much more expensive than they should be.

Neither helps current production sites on Drupal 7 since they’re major improvements in Drupal 8, but both solve fundamental flaws in previous versions, so they will probably make you (even more) excited about Drupal 8!

Note: these slides are a shortened version of my Building really fast websites with Drupal 8 talk — but presented from a different angle and with a different focus.

Drupagora 2013
Paris, France
25 minutes
26 September, 2013

We had two CKEditor Q&A BoFs at DrupalCon Prague: one for site builders, one for developers. They both used the same presentation to get everybody up to speed, but we applied different nuances.

This was presented together with the CKEditor team.

Note: the slides including screenshots and screencasts are on GitHub at https://github.com/wimleers/talk-ckeditor-drupal8-qa, feel free to reuse them in your blogs & talks!


1. Why the Drupal 7 modules (CKEditor/WYSIWYG modules) sucked and the Text Editor/CKEditor modules in Drupal 8 rock 2. How to enable CKEditor for a text format. 3. How to configure CKEditor, and how that UI automatically updates your filter settings. 4. The things CKEditor can do out of the box (Advanced Content Filter, image uploading, image alignment and captioning, in-place editing, and so on). 5. How Advanced Content Filter prevents crappy HTML. 6. The things CKEditor can do with additional configuration (site-specific “styles” for content e.g. for callouts). 7. The things CKEditor can do if you install additional plugins. 8. How Drupal 8’s caption filter plus the corresponding CKEditor widget provide the end user with a great UX, yet with clean, non-blobby content in the database. 9. CKEditor plugin demos that show the range of things you can achieve with CKEditor.


After that, we opened the floor to any and all questions you might have.

Were present to answer questions:

  • Wim Leers, who was the liaison between Drupal and CKEditor, and led the integration
  • Frederico Knabben, CKEditor founder/project lead, CKSource owner
  • Wiktor Walc, CKSource CTO, worked on CKEditor modules for ages
  • Piotrek KoszuliĹ„ski, CKEditor developer, developed the CKEditor Widgets system and worked on the Advanced Content Filter system and pasting support
  • Olek NowodziĹ„ski, CKEditor developer, worked on the Advanced Content Filter system, HiDPI (retina) support and many parts of CKEditor
DrupalCon Prague
Prague, Czech Republic
25 September, 2013

Drupal 8 is going to have better front-end performance for anonymous users out of the box: it is now smart enough to no longer load unnecessary JavaScript. It’s also (finally!) going to cache all entities efficiently, so that it doesn’t waste time rerendering the same content over and over again.

Because less time needs to be spent on generating the HTML, the page will show up faster on visitors’ devices — also mobile devices.

However, you of course still want pages to be personalized. Different visitors have different permissions (and hence different contextual links), different interests (and hence have “new” or “updated” indicators in different places), and so on. In Drupal 8, we’ve introduced the necessary foundations to easily serve the same HTML (well, >90% the same — i.e. the most expensive parts), yet still personalize the page by using client-side caching (localStorage/sessionStorage) in combination with clever client-side cache invalidation.

Furthermore, we finally have pluggable CSS and JavaScript optimization (aggregation), where you can easily plug in a specific JS minifier, or data-mining-applied-to-visitor-navigation-paths-powered CSS/JS grouping (to calculate globally optimal groups)!

The end result: really fast websites, with superb perceived performance!

Note: where possible, I’ve explained how to achieve the same in Drupal 7.

DrupalCon Prague
Prague, Czech Republic
50 minutes
4 August, 2013

My girlfriend and I both have an iPhone. Every night when we go to bed, we plug them in for charging. We also use them as our alarm clocks.

Until very recently, we did this by using the typical charger. Only my girlfriend’s side of the bed is rather far from a wall socket. So, she’d plug in a very long iPhone cable (that we got from Deal Extreme and was literally falling apart), but it was not quite long enough: she’d still have to get up (to reach for the phone, e.g. for turning off the alarm).
Plus, it was in my way to get to my side of the bed. So … several times I almost stepped on her iPhone, and many times I stumbled after getting stuck behind the cable. Less than ideal, right?

A very long time ago, on February 11, 2012, I backed the Elevation Dock Kickstarter for two docks. Somewhere in the beginning of 2013 I had received them. They’d been lying around in a closet, unused. A waste of money? I almost regretted ordering them.


7 July, 2013


This article proposes a novel, simpler way of managing Drupal sites (where “managing” in this case is solely code updating & deployment).

It relies on only one command-line tool: mr (“a Multiple Repository management tool”, http://joeyh.name/code/mr/), plus a Drupal plug-in for that tool: mr-drupal, https://github.com/wimleers/mr-drupal.


If you run Drupal sites, you need some way to manage them; some way to keep them up-to-date. As of Drupal 7, there’s a built-in update manager, but it doesn’t use a VCS.

Most likely, you want use a VCS to manage your Drupal site. You may be downloading tarballs and checking their contents into your VCS, or maybe you’re using git submodules or even git-subtree. For all of these, there’s a whole lot of process, a lot of steps, a lot to learn, and a lot of tricky things you have to think about each time you want to update something. Too much that can go wrong.

31 May, 2013

Drupal 8 will ship with big authoring experience improvements: WYSIWYG editing & in-place editing, thanks to the Spark distribution that Acquia — my employer — is sponsoring.

But how well does it fare with the growing importance of structured content? Do Drupal 8’s WYSIWYG & in-place editing enable it or prevent it?

The new web world order: many form factors

The Big Thing of the last few years: the advent of mobile. Inherent to that: websites that are optimized for mobile devices and act as data providers for apps.

A new form factor — mobile devices — changed web development forever. Before mobile, the life of web developers and authors (content creators) was relatively simple: make sure websites work well on a few typical screen sizes (let’s deny the existence of Internet Explorer 6 and all the misery it caused).

But … we cannot predict what’s next. We cannot predict new content consumption form factors. That’s where content strategy becomes vitally important:

content strategy is to copywriting as information architecture is to design

26 May, 2013

At DrupalCon Portland, I presented together with fellow Acquia Spark team member Jesse Beach on the accessibility improvements that we helped bring to Drupal 8. See http://portland2013.drupal.org/node/2158.

Drupal 8 will be the most accessible version of Drupal yet. We are expanding the foundational HTML markup support into APIs that make it easy to express the state of the page components, not just their properties. One example is Drupal.announce, which passes strings to an ARIA-live region to be read by a speaking User Agent. Another is simple management of tab ordering for constrained page navigation by keyboard (Drupal.TabbingManager). And we intend that these APIs be utilized throughout Drupal core and contrib.

As front-end developers, we are well familiar with oft-touted techniques of visual presentation — layouts, grids and typography to name a few. In this session, we will make the case for the aural user interface. Our pages should be accessible just as well by sound as they are by sight. The aural UI cannot be an afterthought. It must be designed, iterated and tested like any other UI.

Drupal 8 will provide the tools to build amazing aural UIs. Find out how you can incorporate these techniques into your modules so that your work will be accessible to the widest possible audience.

DrupalCon Portland
Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR
60 minutes