Mac OS X

16 October, 2009

Last night, I upgraded to Mac OS X Snow Leopard, so I could start using OpenCL (for a school project). After about an hour, it was ready, and all my settings were still intact. Awesome!
I immediately executed a small OpenCL benchmark application I had found on the internet and voila, it worked!

I continued, attempting to build PyOpenCL. That’s a major pain, because I can’t get Boost to build correctly. But that’s another story.

While attempting to build PyOpenCL, I decided to run the other OpenCL demos I had found. And … all of them would oddly result in crashes. Inexplicably, even the initial OpenCL benchmark application I ran, now refused to run. Even worse, the open command now seemed to fail.
What was going on?

After asking around in #macosx a bit, the very helpful user KonaB1end offered some insightful guidance. Creating another account, testing it there, it all worked. So it was my account. Then I figured I could as well try starting a new terminal with an empty ~/.bash_profile file. And that fixed it all!
So clearly, there was something in my ~/.bash_profile that was causing this. But what?