
4 August, 2013

My girlfriend and I both have an iPhone. Every night when we go to bed, we plug them in for charging. We also use them as our alarm clocks.

Until very recently, we did this by using the typical charger. Only my girlfriend’s side of the bed is rather far from a wall socket. So, she’d plug in a very long iPhone cable (that we got from Deal Extreme and was literally falling apart), but it was not quite long enough: she’d still have to get up (to reach for the phone, e.g. for turning off the alarm).
Plus, it was in my way to get to my side of the bed. So … several times I almost stepped on her iPhone, and many times I stumbled after getting stuck behind the cable. Less than ideal, right?

A very long time ago, on February 11, 2012, I backed the Elevation Dock Kickstarter for two docks. Somewhere in the beginning of 2013 I had received them. They’d been lying around in a closet, unused. A waste of money? I almost regretted ordering them.
